Personalized Private Retreats
The private and personalized retreats are especially for people who have a critical condition in problems such as> drug addiction, suicide or serious health problems such as cancer or HIV that are just beginning and are diagnosed by professional doctors, but the client decides to treat themselves naturally or with holistic therapies first to give an opportunity not to use invasive or highly toxic methods for the body such as chemotherapy as an example!
If you're ready to commit to taking back your mind, body, and soul, this is the fastest way to get started.
Estamos aquí para usted al 100% de principio a fin. laboramos con personal altamente calificado para atenderle de forma individualizada y totalmente privada. Nuestro enfoque principal es limpiar a fondo su cuerpo para una real curación. La seguridad, la comodidad y la confidencialidad son nuestra garantia. ​
Travel arrangements :
You will fly to the Benito Juarez ISM International Airport in Mexico City and will be met at the airport in a private car and taken directly to Newone Holistic House in Tepoztlan, where we will immediately begin the emotional stabilization process at the entrance of the retreat to ensure your peace of mind. When you finish your life-changing treatment, we'll escort you back to the airport. ​
Entry Procedure: Physical evaluation by a certified physician and Drug Screening prior to therapy,
Departure Procedure: Final blood analysis and Quantum analysis.
Newone Holsitic House is proud of the superior detox protocol that we have created to reduce withdrawal and negative side effects, we believe it is the safest, easiest and fastest way to detoxify your mind, body and soul. ​with our team of certified doctors, Therapists and Shamans we have created a retreat with a gradual reduction of physiological stress, which results in a smooth transition for those addicts and/or patients who suffer and fight against drugs, alcohol or pharmaceutical medications.we prevent post-acute withdrawal symptoms that threaten the success of the process and that may be associated with substance abuse and long-term addiction.
Our motto is "reaching the plants is the door to awakening". Our herbal medicines and colon hydrotherapy quickly cleanse your body of all toxins. Balances neurochemical levels in the brain by resetting to the state prior to the addiction or disease. When we combine our body cleansing protocol with Amazon medicine, our users achieve fantastic, positively life-changing results and a profound experience that words cannot describe.
Medicine – Orthomolecular Food
Ortho comes from the word "correct" and the word molecular from the word "molecule". This concept refers to the correct nutrition at the molecular level through high doses of vitamins and minerals, which can be taken orally or intravenously.
Even when the person consumes their food correctly, they lack nutrients, causing a nutritional deficiency due to excessive consumption of medicines, contraceptives and in the case of drugs, alcoholism and smoking, nutritional decompensation is even more severe, causing multiple reactions, such as anxiety, insomnia, hair loss. of hair, emotional instability and low self-esteem among other diseases caused by parasites and fungi proliferated by the acidity that causes from the stress itself that can hardly be controlled under the consumption of said substances that intoxicate the body, the mind and therefore, He also gets sick on a spiritual level.
And even when supplemented naturally, vitamins and minerals do a lot for our health, but they can't cure everything. All nutrients are converted into medicine after passing certain doses. Otherwise, they will continue to act as nutrients and not as natural drugs. For this reason, in our detoxification protocol, we add orthomolecular medicine as a base to efficiently contain and support the detoxification process.
During the detoxification period, high doses of certain vitamins and minerals are used, which in turn will be acting as superfoods. These doses will be implemented according to the results obtained in their previous analyses.
Orthomolecular feeding accompanied by Juice Therapy is a top-quality nutritional mega combo to combat toxemia. When the fruits and vegetables go through the cold extractor, between 90 or 95% of its active ingredients and nutrients are obtained from the juice. In this way, triple or quadruple nutrients are consumed than if you consumed vegetables or fruit. Which will support our user to have physical strength and balance their state of mind, to promote their stay in peace and harmony.
La alimentacion ortomolecular acompañado de Jugoterapia son un mega combo nutritivo de primera calidad para combatir la toxemia. Cuando las frutas y las verduras pasan por el extractor en frio, se obtiene del zumo, entre el 90 o 95 % de sus principios activos y nutrientes. De esta manera se consumen el triple o cuadruple de nutrientes que si consumiera la verdura o fruta. Lo cual apoyara a nuestro usuario a tener la fuerza fisica y a equilibrar su estado de animo, para promover que su estancia sea en paz y armonia.
Our users will delight in a totally organic diet, to help in the detoxification process of the brain, cells and liver. Eating a clean diet removes inflammation from the body, making you feel clear-headed and helping your overall health. Our chef and medicine man will prepare
Protein shakes with superfoods are full of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that will help you avoid losing muscle mass during your detoxification and cleansing process.
en intermedio de las colonterapias usaremos Café Orgánico Los enemas de café aumentan la filtración del hígado, lo que ayuda en gran medida a la capacidad del hígado para eliminar las toxinas del suero. el cafe contiene concentraciones muy altas de cafeína y ácido palmítico. Los enemas son esenciales para acelerar el metabolismo, promover el movimiento intestinal, liberar la toxicidad de todo su sistema, prevenir y reducir la formación de cáncer al neutralizar la acidez y simplemente renovar su hígado.
Colon Irrigation (Hydrotherapy)
Also called colon therapy, it is a therapeutic procedure carried out using a unit specially designed to send an infusion of water, without drugs or chemicals, from the rectum to the appendix, covering the entire colon.
This closed system prevents unpleasant odors and preserves the dignity of the patient, who remains in a comfortable position while the waste material accumulated throughout the large intestine is eliminated through equipment for personal use that avoids any risk of contamination.
The comprehensive treatment includes: relaxation, reflexology in the abdominal area and spine, accompanied by specialized nutrition and food. This therapy supports innumerable benefits, mainly supports the Revitalizes the immune system, improves cell regeneration, detoxification in cases of alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking and / or consumption of drugs and antibiotics.
Terapia de Masajes
Disfrutará de masajes terapéuticos de una hora para relajar todos los musculos de su cuerpo. El beneficio del masaje puede ayudarte a mantener el bienestar físico, mental y emocional en el retiro, mejora la circulación sanguínea, que lleva oxígeno y nutrientes a las células, estimula el sistema linfático, que elimina los productos de desecho del cuerpo. Los masajes combinados con todos nuestros otros tratamientos limpian completamente su cuerpo a nivel celular.
Quantum Analyzer
Once the interested party enters our facilities, a study will be carried out by means of our Quantum team, which performs a very precise analysis of the user's state of health, through magnetic frequency, in order to obtain a diagnosis. , that indicates nutritional deficiencies, acidity levels, cardiac irregularities and specific parameters that our professional support team requires to take preventive measures in your detoxification process.
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