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How do I prepare for a retreat?Anyone who has dedicated a few days of vacation for a retreat will never regret it. However We know that many of our users are busy people. It is suggested that you notify your family or closest relatives who will be on a retreat, to inform them that during their stay in ours facilities, communication with the outside would be almost nil. Both the phone and the media, most of the time will be in airplane mode for do not interrupt the activities of connection and introspection during your stay at Newone. A previous review or reading is suggested so that in advance you have clarity about the purposes retirement staff. It is important that your motivation is personal and that it does not come from manipulations or for commitment to third parties. You should note that Newone's internal management methods and formats can be discussed but there will be aspects that are not negotiable due to the Shaman and/or therapist who is attending you will have reviewed your case and it must adhere to the techniques it deems necessary to support your case rehabilitation, healing or cleaning, so it is requested that you take it into account before making a decision consideration and that you are willing to adhere to the suggestions of our professional work team. How do I prepare my luggage for a retreat? Carry hand luggage of 10 Kilograms Clothes: Bring light, quick-drying thermal clothing 2 pants preferably leggings or sports 1 thermal pants 1 Light fast-drying short 2 t-shirts for the day 2 long-sleeved nightgowns 1 thin thermal sweatshirt 2 pants 2 socks 1 long term socks 1 light hiking boots, preferably half a size larger than your size. It is not necessary that have a cap. 1 thin light sandals 1 Roana (poncho) 1 hat to cover the head *This list already includes what I would be wearing Bathroom items and personal use up to 100ml The products must be organic and without parabens In the case of cosmetics, they will not be necessary during the stay, but you can carry lubricant for lips, some kind of ultralight makeup. The use of creams that can be used for the whole body is suggested, such as coconut oil, which is including for hair. Do not bring sunscreen, the same coconut oil protects the skin No commercial repellents. You can prepare a 100ml bottle and add rue and five drops of citronella oil. It is in case of being very sensitive to mosquitoes. But there aren't many mosquitoes. Do not bring acrylic nails Having cuts flush with fingers, hands and feet Disposable raincoat A tiny lamp It is not necessary to bring a computer or photography equipment since you will be in contact with nature You can bring a small book with mystical content, alternative medicine or self-improvement Bring a thin notebook to make notes and a small pen.
How do I prepare for therapeutic massage?Physical Preparation > > Semi fasting with Fruits and vegetables 6 hours before the massage. > stop physical activities 3 hours before. > Take a long shower. Mental preparation > > raise awareness that what we are going to receive is a therapeutic caress where at times one may feel pain, since the points that are affecting physical health are discovered. Preparation for the therapeutic massage day> > wear comfortable clothes, > Towel. General Benefits > Stress reduction and increased relaxation. Reduction of pain and inflammation and muscle tension. Improved circulation, energy and alertness. Decreased heart rate and blood pressure. > Promote blood or lymphatic circulation. Facilitate the absorption of exudates and eliminate dead cells. Distend and soften fibrous tissues. Decrease the tension of the muscles, achieve their relaxation and improve their contractility.
What is a FAQ section?A FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section serves to quickly answer your common questions! and thus you will help to avoid traffic in calls!
How do I prepare for an energy reading?xxxxxx
Is it recommended that after the diet I continue doing coffee enemas?It is recommended only during the detox diet. Since coffee contains caffeine, what can alter the nervous system or cause insomnia or irritate the intestine.
What happens if I do the Enema without having done the diet?Nothing happens because the method is by gravity and it is not more than a liter, so in case of gases nitrogenous substances can come out when the body itself cannot resist it.
What happens if I go to colon therapy without having followed the diet?Colontherapy is not suggested without prior diet because the body could become acidic, have gases nitrogenous and when channeling with the cannula of the colon therapy machine could cause discomfort and a lot of pain.
Who are not suitable to go through this process?If you do not have control and will to follow a strict diet or are not willing to follow the indications from Newone's therapist. It is contraindicated for the following cases: Pregnancy Under 18 years old Terminal illnesses Swollen and/or bleeding hemorrhoids Diverticulosis In these cases that have signs of intoxication but cannot go through this detoxification format it is suggested that you resort to other alternative, natural and/or homeopathic methods with health professionals health. Can I do it if I'm still recovering from surgery? You should wait at least 3 months after the last surgery. If it was an anesthetic surgery complete, where organs such as liver, gallbladder, intestine, colon, stomach, appendix are involved, vessel or kidneys, it must have been at least 6 months.
How do I know if I need to detox?99% of diseases come from a deficient metabolism, because everything starts from not being there He is evacuating the times he is eating. In the cities we are also always going to be exposed to toxins that are even in the air, even in places far from the city, in the same foods we will find toxins in them food by chemicals used for agriculture. We will also find toxins in the solvents used for cleaning the home, the chemicals in the cosmetics, chemicals used to dye hair, solvents used for nails and in especially when our daily work and/or trade requires us to be exposed to a contaminated environment such as working at gas stations or living near places where paints and solvents are used. The symptoms that will indicate that it is necessary to detoxify the body are the following: Headache, dizziness, insomnia, anxiety Anxiety to eat all the time, sugars, alcohol and addictions It is suggested, before surgery Constipation Hormonal and/or menstrual irregularities and/or infertility Lack of libido Mood swings, easily irritable character Constant changes in temperature, cold extremities or buttocks Signs on the skin, blemishes and very marked or deep early wrinkles Constant allergies and colds Intolerances to any food, in addition to gluten A lot of flatulence and/or heartburn Acne, white pimples on the skin, especially on the arms, psoriasis or dark spots on the neck Stains on the skin, cloth Excessive hair loss or weak nails Bad breath, sweating fetid odor Fungus on feet and/or body Existence of Candida albicans (white discharge, white tongue, split feet, fungus, flu and infections constants) If the stool has a very foul odor. If there is bleeding gums If when going through strong emotions the person vomits bile Dark circles and/or yellow eyes or they are always red and/or inflammation A lot of mucus or phlegm even when there is no flu Infections and irritation in constant genitalia If you have used birth control pills for more than a consecutive year If alcohol or cigarettes are consumed even once a week If you were treated with antibiotics at least 3 times a year If you are a person exposed to stress or if you are courageous or do not have control over your emotions.
What is the difference between colon therapy, liver and intestinal detoxification?Each process is different. Colontherapy is a service offered in cases where the doctor suggests cleaning to prepare the body to undergo surgery, do ultrasounds, X-rays. It can also be done as maintenance after 3 months of having gone through a previous detoxification, to stimulate the colon, in cases of constipation. Regarding the detoxification of the Liver and Gallbladder, it is the basis before going into action with the intestine thin, already in this process the kidneys are also cleansed, which will support us so that in the next one detoxification level, the excretory organs are at their maximum potential to eradicate toxins no problem. In the next stage of cleansing, which is the small intestine, the entire system will be stimulated metabolic, doing a kind of deception to the intestine, with special fibers, which will be doing a kind of coating in the submucosa, thus extracting both fungi, intestinal and bacterial flora to its while drawing out free radicals, such as lead and heavy metals. For this reason, the rest of the organs must be prepared for the expulsion of all toxins.
How often can I go through the process?When it is the first time, it is required to go through the process at least 3 times the first year and from second, twice a year.
how do i prepare How long will I be on a diet?You must follow a 3-day diet with a soft diet, avoiding fast food, fried foods, pork, chili, chocolate, soft drinks, alcohol, cigarettes, processed products, canned goods, artificial flavorings, salt, sugar and refined flours. If you are under medical treatment, you should go to see if you are suitable for a detoxification that it would entail following a strict diet and even 100% liquid for at least 5 days. If not, I know You must wait for the doctor to discharge you to begin the process. How long will I be on a diet? -In case of colon therapy 3 days before and 3 days after -In the case of liver and gallbladder detoxification, 3 days before starting the process, 5 days during the process and 3 days after cleaning. In case there is Candida Albicans fungus at a high level, a special, less strict diet must be followed for 21 days. -In the case of the Intestinal diet, it will be the same as the previous one. -In the event that you want to do the Full Deyox that includes Liver and Gallbladder and detoxification Intestinal, it will be 3 days before starting the process, 5 days during the process and 3 days after the cleanliness. In case of having Candida Albicans fungus at a high level, a special diet must be followed less strict for 21 days.
Is it recommended that after the diet continue to do enemas?In case of severe constipation, it is suggested to continue once or twice a week to continue stimulating the colon and intestine.
Is it recommended that after the diet continue to drink ionized water?Not recommended as it can demineralize the body. Causing weakness and loss of hair.
What is ayahuasca/yage?It is an Amazonian concoction that is made from two silvers, Bejuco Ayahuasca/Yage and Chacruna. It swallowed in a liquid way, with a flavor that is according to the cook's hand, however, in its Most are bitter and thick. But its strength does not depend so much on thickness. Its texture depends on the recipe or method of who cooks it. It is considered an ancient medicine used by shamans and teachers of the Amazon, as a way to obtain the expansion of consciousness. Subject and Soul. Now, it's used in many parts of the world, in centers like Newone, to rehabilitate anyone who wants a change or improve your life. Widely used also to treat cases of addictions and / or use of pastes or Antidepressant medications. This drink is a plant source of DMT which is a neuro transmitter produced naturally by our brain from the pineal gland, which is closely related to religious mystical experiences. This drink is the most powerful relaxant that exists in the planet. It was patented in the USA as an antidepressant and declared cultural heritage in 2008 by the Peruvian government. In the Colombian Amazon it has been regulated since 1999 by the medical union ancestral yageceros of the Colombian Amazon. Its intake can produce visions that are internal representations of emotions and truths repressed, they are like emotionally charged internal graphics that are the surface of what it shows us, a way of attracting the attention that consciousness has to invite us to allow ourselves to feel the emotion, delving into it and opening the doors to understanding what happens to us. Understanding is a process of adaptation, forgiveness, gratitude and integration that leads to a reconciliation from the heart.
How do I prepare for the kambo cleanse?Physical Preparation > > total fasting (Only water and Tea) 24 hours before the procedure. >for people with gastritis or serious problems with fasting to the point that it can cause dizziness or fainting, eat 2 bananas with water every 3 hours. > Sleep Well, Mental preparation > > make aware that what is going to enter the body is a poison from an animal (Amazonian Frog) although this poison is not fatal, its effect is almost immediate and you should prepare for dizziness similar to being very drunk or intoxicated but It has nothing to do with them! On the contrary, dizziness will cause a purge to get rid of the bad things that are in our body. means of vomiting and in some cases diarrhea. Up-to-date preparation of the Detox with Kambo> > Toilet paper. > A small candle holder > wear comfortable clothes, > Towel. > Change of underwear. > 5 Liters with Water. General Benefits > Blood cleaner, creator of new blood cells, activator of the defense system, cleans clogged veins and arteries, has been used successfully in cases of HIV, and many diseases since cleaning the blood greatly improves the health !
How do I prepare for Yopo?Physical Preparation > > total fasting (Only water and Tea) 12 hours before the procedure. >for people with gastritis or serious problems with fasting to the point that it can cause dizziness or fainting, eat 2 bananas with water every 3 hours. > Sleep Well, Mental preparation > > Be aware that what is going to enter the body is a caapi root that is cooked or chewed and a powder similar to snuff through the nostrils, although this medicine is not fatal when it is not mixed with other substances, You should prepare for dizziness similar to being very drunk, but it has nothing to do with them! That is why it is called sacred drunkenness because, unlike alcohol, the next day you feel light and relieved. On the contrary, dizziness will cause a purge to get rid of the bad things that are in our body. means of vomiting and in some cases diarrhea. Up-to-date preparation of the Detox with YOPO. > Toilet paper. > A small candle holder > wear comfortable clothes, > Towel. > Change of underwear. > Mattress > Sleepeng or Blanket > 5 Liters with Water. General Benefits > YOPO opens consciousness 5 times stronger than Yage or Ayahuasca, and helps alleviate many mental/emotional diseases, since in most cases it gives the person the necessary information to achieve it! > This medicine also opens the heart and activates forgiveness, curing many psycho/emotional ailments. > It also serves to activate the pineal, connect with the energy of the elementals and an increase in creativity can be observed. > Scientifically proven that it prevents or cures Alzheimer's if it is in an initial state. > It also possesses the mysterious quality of stopping time in the body, making the person age more slowly.
How do I prepare for Yage or Ayahuasca?Physical Preparation > > total fasting (Only water and Tea) 12 hours before the procedure. >for people with gastritis or serious problems with fasting to the point that it can cause dizziness or fainting, eat 2 bananas with water every 3 hours. > Sleep Well, Mental preparation > > Be aware that what is going to enter the body is a fermented drink (Amazonian) although this drink is not fatal when it is not mixed with other substances, you should prepare for dizziness similar to being very drunk, but it has nothing what to do with them! That is why it is called sacred drunkenness because, unlike alcohol, the next day you feel light and relieved. On the contrary, dizziness will cause a purge to get rid of the bad things that are in our body. means of vomiting and in some cases diarrhea. Up-to-date preparation of the Detox with ayahuasca / Yage. > Toilet paper. > A small candle holder > wear comfortable clothes, > Towel. > Change of underwear. > Mattress > Sleepeng or Blanket > 5 Liters with Water. General Benefits > Ayahuasca or Yage opens the conscience, and helps alleviate many diseases, since in most cases it gives the person the necessary information to achieve it! > This medicine also opens the heart and activates forgiveness, curing many psycho/emotional ailments. > It also serves to activate the pineal, connect with the energy of the elementals and an increase in creativity can be observed.
How do I prepare for an Energy Cleanse?Physical Preparation > > total fasting (Only water and Tea) 6 hours before the procedure. >for people with gastritis or serious problems with fasting to the point that it can cause dizziness or fainting, eat 2 bananas with water every hour. > Bathe with sea salt (Put 4 tablespoons of sea salt in a container with water and bathe, then remove the salt with normal water) > Sleep Well, Mental preparation > > raise awareness that blown tobacco (smoke) is a sacred ancestral technique to cleanse the aura, scientifically we know that we have electrostatic energy that surrounds the skin (the largest organ in the body) spiritually this energy can be lowered or raised charge and with this cleaning we balance the energy and likewise cleaning all negative energy. Up-to-date preparation of energy cleansing > A small candle holder > wear comfortable clothes, General Benefits > Cleans the Aura of negative projections! > Clean the Aura of Envy ! > It also serves to make a holistic spiritual diagnosis of the energy charge and what can be done!
What is yopo?The great-grandfather YOPO, is an ancestral Amazonian and shamanic medicine, whose active component is 5MEODMT, which is considered of order and altar of origin. A medicine that is highly protected by the original tribes and that keep its mystery so that it can be lived in the world experience. From the Colombian Orinoco jungle. A Natural vegetable powder that is prepared with a secret mixture of plants native to the Colombian orinoquia and the seed of the Ananthethera tree Pilgrim. When blown through the nose, it produces expansion of consciousness and a therapeutic-spiritual effect, amazing! The effect of Yopo produces an organic cleansing and an extraordinary spiritual connection, roots the earth, providing a sense of certainty, center and self-control, after the session. you allows access to a space within you, from where you can appreciate reality more clearly. Tear down momentarily the masks and characters that we interpret in daily life, in order to be able to see the true face of who we are. The experience with Yopo also immerses us in an immeasurable feeling of gratitude, understanding, acceptance, with a dose of simplicity in the perspective of what happens. It supports us in the process of discovering ourselves, others and life through the eyes of love. In the study of those who share this medicine, it is highly suggested to treat issues of co-dependencies and/or deep roots, including self-blind spots of emotional disorders and/or deep-rooted unbalanced mental and even religious structures.
How do I prepare for the purge with Tobacco?Physical Preparation > > total fasting (Only water and Tea) 12 hours before the procedure. >for people with gastritis or serious problems with fasting to the point that it can cause dizziness or fainting, eat 2 bananas with water every 3 hours. > Sleep well. Mental preparation > > Be aware that what is going to enter the body is a drink (of Tobacco), its effect is almost immediate and you should prepare for a dizziness similar to being very drunk or intoxicated but it has nothing to do with them!< /p> On the contrary, dizziness will cause a purge to get rid of the bad things that are in our body. means of vomiting and in some cases diarrhea. Up-to-date preparation of the Detox with tobacco> > Toilet paper. > A small candle holder > wear comfortable clothes, > Towel. > Change of underwear. > 5 Liters with Water. What is it for? > It is used to clean the stomach of diseases such as elicobacter pylori, and bacteria, it can also cure cases of ulcers and gastritis. > Serves as Support in removing addictions!
What is Kambo?It is the sweat of a frog endemic to the Amazon jungle that is used to treat multiple diseases that They mainly affect the immune system. It is applied to the skin, through a small burn shallow size. of a tip of incense. That is erased with the passage of time. It is considered in the spiritual world as the cleansing of the warrior. It helps to remove toxins and chemicals from the body, after Three current sessions as an antiviral. It is suggested before taking ayahuasca to raise the vibration energy and medicine to be metabolized for a better understanding and deep connection. Who cannot go through the yage/ayahuasca, yopo or kambo process? People with terminal illnesses, Pacemaker Pregnancy Use of anxiolytics Schizophrenia Minor age How can I know if yage/ayahuasca or yopo is for me? It is said that medicine is for everyone, but not everyone is for it, because it is a confrontational process internal inevitable. Once drinking it there will be no going back, because that information is accessed, including pain memories blocked in the subconscious. One session with this plant is equivalent to up to 10 years of psychology sessions. Because it exists information that can be transmitted even in the same language, but is not understandable by the aspect sensitive emotional. It is like explaining to a person who has been blind all his life, what color is like yellow. You can't explain it to him, he has to see it to understand it. This process is the same. and there must also be a willingness to change and to recognize that something inside is in a certain direction different from my internal peace, so going through this process is an act of courage and humility to accept that support is required to transcend those emotions, perceptions, feelings that are blocked or that are They contrast with those I live from day to day. How do I prepare? Mainly it is to investigate in an intimate way what it is that I desire most intensely but for one one thing or another I have not achieved. After this, a consultation or reading is suggested to receive spiritual guidance. For appointments go to the following link:---------- Once you make the decision and have a date, it is suggested to prepare as follows: Diet: It is suggested at least three days before eating a diet, such as steamed foods, seeds, fruits, vegetables, fish with little salt scales, boiled egg among other foods considered healthy Avoid fat, chili, pork Avoid sexual intercourse Avoid alcohol, cigarettes and drugs, medications Avoid the consumption of Marijuana as it can block vision Have a clear intention Connect with activities that promote calm Avoid disagreements or be in contact with people who cause me conflict Listen to music to get into meditation Practice yoga Promote beautiful thoughts, positive projections Contact with nature
What is the difference between yage and ayahuasca?They are the same. Yage is called in the cosmovision on the side of the Amazon of Colombia and Ayahuasca is called llama on the Amazon side of Peru.
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